As such, all objects in your palette can all be placed on the level like bricks and made to move like bricks. are all treated by the program as bricks. Actual bricks, postion markers, trapped balls, floating spheres etc. The first thing you should try to understand is that the Ricochet Lost Worlds editor treats everything as a ‘brick”. Now, with all that out of the way, please enjoy the editor and see if you can’t make better levels than we did! We’re actually quite interested to see what new and creative ideas people will come up with. Before long, we are certain that there will be non Reflexive Employees that are better than we are at using the editor.
If you do not see your question, please feel free to post it. If you have a question, it is likely that someone else once had the same question and an answer can be found there. There is a thread on our message board dedicated to the editor, so feel free to look that over. It is our hope that this document will get you started, and that with a little practice you will soon be creating fun and engaging levels. However, we simply cannot answer questions about learning the editor or provide assistance with designing a level. We are only releasing the editor because we thought it would be fun for people to be able to make their own levels. Please view the editor as a bonus feature, rather than a main feature. Any question pertaining to the level editor will not be answered.
Please do not send emails to our customer support department with questions about how to use the editor, complaints about how hard it is to use, or gripes that a level you designed isn’t working any longer, or any question about the editor for that matter. Other than the help provided on this web page, Reflexive is releasing the Level Editor to Ricochet Lost Worlds as “unsupported”. 14 Making Bricks move from a single spot into a pre set patternīefore you make a level, please re-read the EULA you agreed to when purchasing the game, and be sure you understand it fully.4 Painting Over Bricks without losing scripting.3.1 Creating your own level set / Entering the Editor Mode.